The ripening of possibility

The eldering of tufts of hope, not the varnish of a
youthly splurge of buoyant wanton wishfullity,
but the cyclical bubbling of clumsy cronehood -

Belonging where? to a tomorrow listening with a
yesteryear yearn - how now to build on the soft
heaving and the agile frailty of not knowing? how

Now to wait in wistful ignorance? the eldering of
quiet, not the silence set in the crumble of fear
but in the hearth of icemelt, warm with winter -

I am river, you are sea

if you can be the silence, I can will the rain
if you can know the reach of the stone
I can sing you each mountain each

rock of each mountain each mouth of each
rock if you can be the wise word I can
will the knife to cut each silence twofold-

where is home?

where is home in all of this talk of
hopelessness? is it the sky
which should make its tears

burn holes into stonehearts or should
the river sink those hearts
into the abyss which fetches

stories from the deep? where is hope
in all this homelessness? will it
do to bury the words and be still?

what good is this goodness?

There is this statistical concept of goodness of fit     today 
in the face of blood soaked statistics dripping in 
non-stop from Gaza, we witness once again what MLK called 
the appalling silence of the good people, 
and as surely as we can say that this goodness does not fit,
with even more incredulity we ask, “what good is this goodness?”

We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.
– Martin Luther King

does a poem have heart

does a poem have heart or shall it sing of an anguished brilliance
         bystanding a confabulated dance of looking the other way?
         does it have soul or shall it repeat syllables of infinite grace

that pound the little somethings into beatified nuances?  does
        a poem need bother at all as none of it matters when you 
        have a full belly & a head full of universalities symmetrized

into a cognition that is clockwork itself?  and if it does matter, 
        will it matter too soon to care or can the caring wait for the 
        hocuspocussing of a prophecy as full of itself as your belly?

if death be a joke

if death be a joke, will it: i - draw feathers
          in the lantern of a lost morning? ii -
          give arid air a grievous look and look
          the other way iii - blow rockdust on

dreams of fire, loud as sword and thick as
         murder?     if all is play, and play is
         lifeblood of air, is it: i - feasible to know
         rockdust as friend when you end your

play? ii - loud enough to rock the morning
         lantern to know sleep from feather? 
         iii - death itself, the play of life being
         antonymed, selfsamed, deliberated?